Replacement SANYO LCD TV Remote Control RC-S076, RCS076, RC-905-OA, RC905OA. Number on Remote Control: RC-S076, RC-905-OA, also known as RCS076, RC905OA and XI6010900501. Suitable for SANYO Models: LCD24XR10F, LCD40XR10F etc. The SANYO model number is usually on the back of your SANYO product, or on the front of your user manual. This remote control is a Replacement Remote Control for SANYO, it will operate your original SANYO product just like your Original SANYO Remote Control. *Requires 2 x AAA Batteries* If your model number is not listed above, please email it to us to confirm suitability, we stock over 1000 SANYO remote controls. GO Company Product Code: RC RCS076-MFU493